About RiReads

Many moons ago, I used to have a book blog where I shared my enthusiasm over the different concepts, ideas, and writing styles I’d consume from my never-ending reading list - including a weighted scoring system. This substack is its revival.

What Books are Featured?

It’s really anything that I’m into at the time. This could range from a book on architectural principles written in ancient rome, to the more accessible works surrounding particle physics, to a hidden gem from the academic world with important cross-functional implications! I do my absolute best to translate any more complex concepts into laymans terms, not for my readers… but for my own better / more effective consumption (very Feynman Technique-esque a har har).

How are Books Scored?

There are 5 categories (with different weights - given my personal preference):

Organization of Content (24 pts)

  • Was the order of content / chapters in which the author chose effective?

  • Were required concepts introduced comprehensively enough before others?

Use of Examples / Citations (20 pts)

  • Were the examples the author used necessary and/or impactful?

  • Was anything plagiarized?

Use of Emotion (12 pts)

  • Was the use of emotion absolutely required?

  • Was this merely a cathartic exercise for the author?

Quality of Opinion (24 pts)

  • Were ideas expressed in a way that allowed for fluidity of thought / evolved concepts later on?

  • Is the author qualified to make the assertive points they made?

Relevance / Applicability (20 pts)

  • How relevant is this work to what’s going on in the world (for more recent work)

  • How long will this stay “useful” over time?

Who is Ria and Why Should we Care?

You really don’t have to care at all haha. But if you’re curious, you can visit my website: ria.run

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Books I've read and scored


Lover of books, technology, and anything considered remotely nerdy.